The master sits before the seekers, his eyes half-closed, radiating a presence of stillness so profound that even the restless minds in the room begin to settle. He views them not as separate individuals but as reflections of the same consciousness, each caught in their own entanglement of thoughts, yet all seeking the same truth.

He speaks.

“Look at the world. What do you see? Division. Chaos. The never-ending battle between right and wrong, light and dark, gain and loss. The news presents a fresh episode of the same old drama—new names and faces, yet the same conflicts and suffering every day. The market rises, the market crashes. One nation is at war while another claims peace. But has anything truly changed? Or is it just the same story wearing a different mask?”

The seekers adjust their posture. The truth of his words is undeniable.

“You believe you are watching reality unfold, but tell me—are you watching reality, or merely watching the projection of your own mind? What you call ‘the world’ is only an image flickering upon the screen of your perception. The events that appear ‘out there’ are nothing but reflections of the turbulence ‘in here.’ The world you see is a mirror of your own consciousness, split and divided. The mind projects its own fragmentation onto the screen of existence and then mistakes it for truth.”

He lets the silence stretch, allowing them to feel the weight of this realization.

Consider this: Life is like a rollercoaster, a continuous flow of ups and downs, yet always in motion. The ride begins when you arrive—gently ascending through childhood, curiosity expanding, possibilities unfolding. At times, you reach great heights, pausing momentarily in the stillness of clarity before the inevitable descent.

Down you go—through the twists and turns of experience, the gentle dips of ease, and the sudden drops of challenge. The mind reacts, excitement and fear interchanging, as the ride carries you forward without pause.

But what if, just for a moment, you step back? Not as the rider lost in motion, but as the observer watching it all unfold. What if you realize—you were never the ride, nor even the one riding, but the quiet awareness in which the journey unfolds?

 So, take a deep breath, be still, and ask yourself: Who is watching it all?

A hush falls over the room.

Reflect on this: You are not the character or the characters in the movie. You are the audience, the one watching the drama unfold. And yet, you keep getting pulled into the story, believing it is you who is suffering, winning or losing, fighting or celebrating. But you are none of this. You are the awareness behind it all.

A seeker raises a trembling voice, “But how do we step back? How do we stop being pulled into the illusion?”

The master smiles.

“Ah…”You must learn to be still. To unplug from the noise. To let the mind settle so that its waves no longer distort your vision. And for this, my dear ones, we have a great gift—a superpower so simple yet so profound: meditation.”

He pauses, looking at each seeker as if peering directly into their souls.

“Meditation is not an escape. It is not a practice of running away from the world. It is the way to see clearly. You stop feeding the illusion when you close your eyes and sit still. You stop projecting outward and start returning inward. The mind quiets, the storm settles, and for the first time, you begin to see reality as it is—not through the fractured lens of thought, but through the infinite stillness of being.”

He closes his eyes for a moment, embodying the silence he articulates. The seekers sense something beyond words, a realm deeper than thought.

“And when you discover that still point within, you will understand. You will realize that nothing in this world can truly affect you. The rise and fall of nations, the shifting tides of fortune, and the endless dramas are merely ripples on the ocean of your existence. You, the observer, remain untouched, unshaken, and always at peace.”

The seekers sit in stunned silence, not because they don’t understand, but because they do. Something within them recognizes the truth.

The master stands, his final words hanging like a whisper from eternity.

Be still and remember who you are. The play will unfold, but you are neither the puppet nor the player. You are the witness, untouched and free. Rest as pure awareness, with nothing to hold onto and nothing to resist—just awareness itself.

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