On a vibrant spring morning, bathed in sunlight, Master Zorath stands before a group of eager new students, their eyes wide with anticipation. The air hums with a palpable sense of curiosity as though charged with possibility. With a knowing gaze, he begins to speak, his voice steady yet rich with the weight of ancient wisdom.
“Welcome, dear students. Today, we delve into a question that has puzzled many: How do we live in the third-dimensional world of duality, action, and doing and the fourth-dimensional consciousness of Oneness and simply Being? This journey requires understanding, patience, and, most of all, awareness.
The third dimension—form and matter—emerges from our mental conditioning. It is molded by our perceptions of the past and future, our judgments of right and wrong, and the endless dichotomies that structure our existence. We live under the dictates of nature’s laws that do not judge, they do not question our thoughts or actions, they simply execute their purpose with unwavering precision.
One student raises a question, her voice tinged with doubt: “But what about the suffering, lack, and confusion we experience in this dimension?”
The truth is much of it arises from our misunderstanding of these very laws. These laws are not our enemies nor arbitrary; they are simply in motion, like a pendulum that swings back and forth. The key is this: they cannot be stopped once set in motion. Yet, we can create the life we desire by understanding them and aligning ourselves with their rhythms.
Let me explain: every thought and every emotion you experience here in the third dimension is coupled with its opposite. If something brings you happiness, understand this: its opposite—its shadow—will inevitably follow.
This is the Law of Polarity. In the third dimension, everything has its opposite, including joy and sorrow, success and failure, love and fear. They swing like a pendulum.
Allow me to illustrate with an example. When the sun has bathed your life in its light for a time, understand that the law of rhythm will eventually bring the rain. And when the rain comes, how do you respond? You adapt. You don’t fight the storm. You take shelter, you open an umbrella, you go inside. This is how you navigate the fluctuating tides of the third dimension.
But remember this: with the proper knowledge, you do not need to be swept away by the pendulum’s swing. You can remain centered. You can learn to stand at the pendulum’s center, watching its movement without being caught in it. This is true wisdom. The key is presence. Be aware, and remain in the center.
Understand this: for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. This is the Law of Cause and Effect. What you sow, you shall reap. But how do you live beyond the constant play of opposites? How do you transcend the push and pull of duality?
The answer is finding the center—standing in that place of inner peace, of pure presence, where you are neither swayed by the highs nor the lows.
Now, let us speak of the fourth dimension. Here, my students, you transcend the mind. You transcend the ego, the dualities of thought, and the conditioned self. In the fourth dimension, you are free. You are liberated from the binding forces of the lower realms.
Here, you live in the pure awareness of consciousness itself—uncontaminated by the limitations of the mind. Here, peace reigns. The silence surpasses all understanding, the stillness where the small self dissolves into the infinite.
It is as if you are a drop of water that melts into the vast ocean. The drop no longer exists as separate—it has merged with the ocean and, in doing so, discovered that it has always been the ocean.

So, how do we live in these two worlds—the third and the fourth? You must engage with the third-dimensional world as long as you inhabit a body. But once your perception expands, you begin to recognize it for what it truly is: a manifestation of “Source Energy.”
In this vast, three-dimensional world, you abide by its laws—enjoying its pleasures, caring for your body, satisfying material desires, and forging connections with others. Yet, simultaneously, you open yourself to a deeper truth. Like Zorba the Buddha, you immerse yourself in the richness of earthly experience, savoring its joys while embracing the peace and wisdom of the spiritual realm.
Through meditation, you clear the clutter of thought and distractions from your mind, creating a space of stillness where clarity emerges. In this quiet space, you recognize that your true essence transcends the physical and mental layers, existing in a dimension beyond the fleeting world around you.
You engage fully with life, playing your role, but you are not consumed by it. You are present in the world, yet not defined by it. The human drama unfolds, but you remain grounded in the awareness of a higher, fourth-dimensional consciousness—a space of detached presence where the soul knows it is more than the sum of its parts.
You are in the world, but not of it. And therein lies the mastery.”
Master Zorath’s eyes glimmer with deep understanding as he looks around the room at his students, his words hanging like an ancient echo. A silence falls over them, for they now realize the path they must walk—the path of awareness, presence, and divine consciousness.
“May you walk this path with grace and wisdom. The journey is long, but every step is a return to the truth that you are, and always have been, One with the Divine.”
Let’s embrace this transformative journey to genuine happiness and well-being through fitness, meditation, mindfulness, and stress reduction. Visit us at nycfitliving.com to start your journey today.