Welcome, dear friends.
How can we transcend the endless swirl of thoughts dictating our every moment?
The key is to become a silent observer—a neutral witness to the stream of mental activity. Imagine your thoughts as clouds drifting gently across an endless sky. Your role is not to chase or engage with them but to observe them as they pass with calm detachment.
Just as the sun remains patiently accepting, unmoving, and undisturbed by the clouds, allowing them to drift by without resistance, so too should your consciousness remain—a steady presence that observes without getting entangled.
This world is your stage, a training ground for self-discovery, where you can cultivate your beingness and awaken to your true essence—pure consciousness in all its brilliance.
Embrace the essence of this witnessing self—present, aware, yet peacefully detached.
When you withhold your attention, thoughts lose power and gradually fade into the background. You become free from their control and can access their insights when needed; otherwise, you are untouched by their influence.
Reject the urge to fuel these thoughts with your attention. Pause and reflect: Who is this “i” attending to these thoughts? The answer is the “little “i,” the ego self, a fleeting identity shaped by societal expectations and personal beliefs. This “i” is a shadow, an ephemeral construct of external and internal influences.

Thoughts, in isolation, are powerless. They gain strength only from the energy and attention you give them. You become ensnared in their illusions when you engage with their suggestions or fall victim to their manipulations. Thoughts are like uninvited guests, ephemeral and lacking substance, their power only as great as the life you breathe into them.
Thoughts and the body are interwoven; the body is a tangible expression of the mind, and the mind is a subtle reflection of the body. Yet, pure consciousness remains unbound by thought’s limitations.
Imagine consciousness as a pear tree in full bloom.
This tree simply manifests pears in their perfect form, naturally and effortlessly. It doesn’t strive to produce apples; it is wholly aligned with its intrinsic nature, effortlessly bringing forth what it is meant to be.
Similarly, consciousness transcends the realm of
body-mind. It embodies pure presence and clarity, allowing existence to unfold naturally and authentically. When action or thought is required, consciousness engages effortlessly, guided by intuitive insight and clarity, while maintaining its serene and lucid nature.
As thoughts dissipate, the ego, the small “i,” dissipates. Without the ego, thoughts lose significance, and the body and world no longer impose upon you.
In the fourth dimension, you are the canvas on which thoughts appear and disappear, not the artist creating them. You remain pure consciousness, free and unbound.
Yet, in the third dimension, you transform into the artist, deftly weaving vibrant images and ideas onto the canvas of your body and the world around you.
Embrace this transformative journey through personal training, meditation, mindfulness, and stress reduction techniques. Begin your path to genuine happiness and well-being today. Visit us at personaltrainerny.com to start your journey toward a more happy and fulfilling life.