In the quiet embrace of a serene countryside, where the air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the hum of nature’s song, two monks began a journey that would not only take them to a distant temple but also deepen their understanding of the world and themselves. Brother Li and Brother Chu, with hearts light and spirits calm, walked side by side, their footsteps in perfect harmony with the earth beneath them.
As they traversed the landscape, they soon encountered a turbulent river, its waters rushing violently over the rocks. At the riverbank, a young lady sat distressed, her face etched with fear as she gazed at the raging current. Her eyes were wide and uncertain.
Seeing her plight, Brother Li stepped forward with compassion. “Dear lady, how may we assist you?” he asked gently.
“I need to cross this river,” she replied, trembling. “But I fear the water will sweep me away.”
Without hesitation, Brother Li offered, “I can carry you across on my back. Trust me; I will keep you safe.” The lady’s face brightened with relief, and she nodded gratefully.
However, Brother Chu watched in disbelief, his heart racing with conflict. He had always adhered strictly to their vows, which included avoiding physical contact with women. “Brother Li, are you not concerned about our rules?” he asked, his voice a mix of disapproval and worry.
But Brother Li only smiled, focused on the task at hand. He carefully lifted the lady onto his back, feeling her grip tighten around his shoulders as they approached the river’s edge. He navigated the slippery stones steadily, ensuring she remained safe from the rushing waters.
When they reached the opposite bank, the lady breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you for your kindness,” she said, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. You’ve saved me.”
After exchanging warm farewells, the two monks continued their journey, though Brother Chu felt a heavy weight in his heart. When they finally returned to the monastery that evening, Brother Chu couldn’t hide his frustration.
“Brother Li,” he began, his tone serious, “you broke our sacred vow. You spoke to a woman and even carried her! How could you do this?”
Brother Li remained calm. “I carried her across the river but left her on the other bank. You, however, are still carrying her.”
Confusion washed over Brother Chu as he pondered his companion’s words. “What do you mean?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

Brother Li explained, “We often carry old baggage—hurt, past wounds, regrets—just like you are carrying the weight of the past into this moment. You have not let go of your attachment to the rules, and without forgiving yourself and others for past wrongs, you remain shackled by anger and resentment.
Remember, these burdens, this type of energy can breed dis-ease within the body.”
Brother Chu listened intently with a sigh, realizing the truth in his friend’s words.
“So, brother Li, how do we truly release these past burdens?”
-Be Aware When They Arise: Pay attention to feelings of judgment or fear; watch them and let them go. Observe them as detached, witnessing without letting them pull you into their toxic energy.
-Awareness is the first step to transformation.
-Don’t Get Identified: Ask yourself, “Am I these thoughts and emotions, or am I the one who observes them?” Recognizing this distinction allows you to detach from the weight of those mental and emotional patterns.
Scan Your Body: Notice where you physically experience these emotions. They often manifest as tension or discomfort in certain areas. You can promote healing by becoming aware of these sensations and breathing into them while releasing them on the exhale.
As Brother Li spoke, Brother Chu felt a shift within him.
He realized that clinging to the chains of rigid rules, the shadows of past burdens, and the echoes of old wounds had kept him from experiencing the fullness of life.
“Thank you, Brother Li,” he said, his voice softer now. “I understand. I will work on releasing these old burdens and embracing the present.”
From that day on, the two monks continued their journey with renewed purpose. They no longer saw the rules as barriers but as guides to a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. They learned that true wisdom lies not in isolation but in connecting with others, even in the most unexpected moments.
And so, with open hearts, they ventured forth, ready to embrace each experience, knowing that every interaction held the potential for growth and transformation.
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