“Can’t shake “off” that mildly annoying memory?
Try This Simple and Creative Technique to Ease Mild Memories (1-3 out of 10). For Stronger or More Disturbing Memories, Consider Reaching Out to a Professional.”
Step 1- Notice the annoying memory when it begins to surface.
Identify its trigger: Recognize what caused the memory to resurface. It could be a specific situation, emotion, person, or event that triggered it.
Step 2 – Identify its location: Use your non-dominant finger to point to where the memory is. Is it in front of you, to the left, or to the right?
Step 3 – Explore its format: Is it a moving image, like a film, or a still picture?
Is it in color or black and white?
Are you in the image or observing it from the outside?
Step 4 – If it’s a still picture:

With your non-dominant hand, softly “frame” the image before you, as if placing it on a screen, tablet, or window. Then, with the index fingers and thumbs of both hands, gently pull the corners of the image inward, gradually shrinking it until it becomes a tiny dot.
To finish, blink it out:
Rapidly close and open your eyes for about 20 to 30 seconds, blinking it out in black and white as if wiping a screen clean. With each blink, let the still image gradually dissolve from your mind.
Feel the image vanish, slipping out of sight and out of mind. Repeat this process as needed until it disappears completely.
Step 5 – If it’s a moving movie:

Rewind the memory, playing it backward from the end to the beginning.
As you rewind, keep shrinking it, getting smaller and smaller, until it’s just a tiny dot in the distance.
Blink it out: Close and open your eyes quickly for about 20 to 30 seconds, blinking it out in black and white repeatedly, as if wiping a screen clean. With each blink, allow the movie to gradually fade from your mind.
Feel the image vanish, slipping out of sight and out of mind. Repeat this process as needed until it disappears completely.

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