Ah, dear friends, listen closely to the nature of the mind, for it is like an ancient, vast river—forever flowing, moving, without rest. It is a factory of endless production, churning thoughts and emotions with tireless devotion. These thoughts arise, take form, and vanish again like clouds drifting across the vast, boundless sky. They appear, then dissipate, leaving no trace, yet the screen of your consciousness remains ever wide, open, and watchful.
This process is continuous, my friends. It is like the tide’s movement or the heart’s rhythmic pulse. It knows no pause. It does not stop. The thoughts come and go—sometimes a flurry, sometimes a trickle—but always, they pass across the infinite expanse of awareness, never resting.
Now, you ask, “How can we silence the mind?” You wish for peace, for stillness. But hear this—the mind is never truly silent. It is like a bustling market, an eager salesman trying to sell your thoughts like jewels and treasures to possess.
But the truth is, thoughts are fleeting. They are no more substantial than the ripples on the surface of a pond. They stir, fade, and vanish into the ether, yet the stillness beneath remains untouched.
So, where is the silence, you wonder? Where is the space beyond thought, beyond this constant chatter?

The silence is not in the mind, for the mind will never cease its clamor. No, the silence transcends the mind itself. It is in rising above the constant motion, above the waves of thought, to that higher dimension of awareness—beyond the mind, beyond its creations.
This space is the boundless sky of consciousness, where thoughts cannot take root. Here, there is nothing but pure, unbroken awareness.
Now, how do you reach this space? How do you step beyond the endless river of thoughts? First, you must slow the current. Like a leaf drifting on the water’s surface, slow your thoughts. To do this, focus on the breath, that sacred bridge between body and mind.
The breath is the key, for as the breath slows, so do the thoughts. When the breath is still, the mind becomes still.
You see, thoughts and breath are intimately connected, like the ebb and flow of the tides, the dance of day and night, or the eternal rhythm of life and death. When one slows, the other follows. And so, as you slow your breath, the thoughts quiet. And if the breath stills completely, you will find that the thoughts dissolve, for they have no substance without the breath to give them life.
There are many paths to stillness, many ways to tame the breath. Vipassana and pranayama are ancient and time-tested tools that allow the practitioner to observe the breath, regulate the breath, still the mind, and reveal the silent observer within. As the clouds part to reveal the ever-present sun, so too does the observer emerge from behind the veil of thoughts, shining in all its radiance.
Remember, the sun is always shining, though the clouds may obscure it. In the same way, your true nature is always present, always radiant, though it may be hidden beneath layers of conditioning, thought, and emotion. But when these layers fall away, the mind stills, the breath deepens, and the true self emerges in all its glory, like the sun breaking through the clouds, warming and illuminating the entire sky.
So, I tell you, dear friends, do not chase after silence. Do not seek to control the mind. Instead, step beyond it. Transcend the thoughts, emotions, and endless movement of the mind and rise into the eternal stillness that has always been there, waiting for you to notice it.
The true self, the observer, the silent witness—this is what you are. This is your nature. When the clouds of thought clear, you will see it shining, pure, and unchanging in all its glory.
And so, you only have to pause, breathe, and let go. The rest will unfold naturally, like the petals of a flower opening to the light of day.
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