Dear friend, what do you see when you gaze into the world? Do you perceive it as a collection of separate things, people, and events, each with its own story? Or do you recognize that every interaction, person, and fleeting image reflects yourself?
Understand this: You are the dreamer of this world—the creator, the observer, the seer, and the seen. The world is not external; it exists within you. Your mind, conditioning, and beliefs shape the fabric of your waking reality.
Consider this: as you walk down the street, you see faces, trees, buildings. But in reality, what you see reflects yourself—your inner world projected outward. The fears, desires, judgments, and patterns buried in your subconscious are now visible in your world. How else could you recognize them if not through the reflections that surround you?
Dear friends, the world of separation you perceive only mirrors your internal state.
Understand this: The world you see is a mirror of what exists within you. If you look out and see beauty, harmony, and love, you see your being unclouded and free. But if you see chaos, suffering, or hatred, know that this, too, is a part of you—the lingering shadow of what still seeks healing, still waiting to be embraced and transformed into the light.
A mirror can only reflect what is before it, just as you, the observer, can only see the projections of your beliefs and conditioning. The world is like a screen, reflecting what is projected on it. So, ask yourself: What world are you seeing? Is it one of peace and harmony or one of tension and division?

Know this: the world you see is the world you are.
And what about others—the faces and beings you encounter? They, too, are you. There is no “other.” The illusion of separate selves is just that—an illusion. When you look at another, you see the reflection of your projections. The dream may seem more complex, but the truth is simple: you are the only dreamer.
The world of people, places, and things exists only because you believe you are a body and mind and dream it into existence.
Think of it this way: when you drift off intosleep, your mind creates a stage, weaving together characters, landscapes, and entire worlds. But when the first light of morning creeps in, everything vanishes—those vivid characters, the wild adventures, all dissolve like smoke, disappearing into the air. And then, as you wake, the question remains: where did they go? What happened to the dream’s characters, the stories that once felt so real?
Waking up is not a journey through time or space but a shift in awareness. It’s recognizing that you are not the dream or the body but the Dreamer—the one who creates it all. And once this realization dawns, everything transforms. The world no longer holds you captive, for you see it clearly: a mirror of your own inner landscape.
“When you awaken to this truth, you rediscover your true Self—the eternal presence that has always been here, observing, dreaming, and now remembering its essence within all.”
Remember: You are not just the reflections in the mirror but the mirror itself. You are no longer the light but the sun that shines from within. You are no longer the images on the screen but the screen itself. You are no longer the clouds but the vast, empty sky. You are the essence of the “I AM,” and nothing more is needed.
You have stopped seeking validation from the outside world. You no longer need to shine your light outwardly, for you have become the source of your own brilliance. By turning your attention inward, you’ve discovered a steady, unshakable light that has always been within you, illuminating the very core of your being.
In this sacred space, you shed the layers of roles and expectations the world has placed upon you. No longer bound by the stories others tell, you emerge as your authentic self, untethered, free, and a force of pure existence.
In the end, my friend, only you remain. There was never anyone else. You were the beginning, the middle, and the end. You are the only truth that has ever truly existed.
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