Welcome, dear friends. I invite you to ponder this: What if the person you believe yourself to be isn’t the person you truly are? Beneath the rhythms of our everyday existence lies a deeper, more profound question: What is it, at our core, that truly defines us?
Are we merely our bodies and minds, or could there be something deeper—a boundless consciousness, an awareness beyond the physical realm? In the stillness of existence, we are beckoned to venture into the mysteries of our true selves, to look beyond the veil of perception and the identities we’ve built, and to discover what lies at the heart of our being.
When we gaze upon the world, does it reflect our true nature, or do we become blinded by the appearance of form, thought, or past conditioning?
The moment we identify with the body-mind complex, the world crystallizes into a vivid reality, binding us to the appearance of separation.
As long as we believe in our physical existence, the universe appears as an extension of our bodies, an intricate dance of form and sensation. This conviction births a reality in which we perceive ourselves in others, reinforcing the notion of duality.
The world, then, becomes a stage set to support this appearance.
When we hold fast to being a body, we inevitably create a landscape filled with bodies, reflecting our internal beliefs. But what happens when the body’s life ends or dissolves in deep meditation?
The world, too, ceases to exist. It is, but an effect, a projection of our inner mindscape, reliant on our identification and belief in its appearance for its very existence.
If we scrutinize the body under a microscope, we will discover a reality composed not of solid matter but mostly empty space—an appearance crafted by our conditioned perception.
This perception has been shaped by our parents’ teachings, the institutions we attended, and the myriad societal concepts that infiltrate our consciousness from childhood onward.
We inhabit a realm of ceaseless change and shifting frequencies, where everything is constantly changing.” reflecting the transience of our beliefs and identities.
Yet amidst this whirlwind of transformation, what is truly real remains immutable.
Reality exists as a singular essence, a profound truth that transcends the ephemeral nature of existence.
When we release our mental attachments to people, places, and things, we embark on a path toward liberation, shedding the appearances that promise fleeting satisfaction.

We may find joy and temporary happiness in relationships and material possessions, but we must cultivate the wisdom to recognize their transient nature. Our happiness does not depend on these external constructs; rather, it blossoms from the depths of our being as pure, unobscured awareness.
As we navigate this journey, we strive to transcend the mind’s and the world’s duality, moving towards the realized state of oneness. In this state, we understand that our authentic essence is not confined to the limitations of body and mind.
We are expansive awareness, interconnected with all that is. This realization invites us to awaken to the harmonious flow of existence, where the boundaries dissolve and we embrace the unity of all life.
Thus, the question remains: if you are not what you appear to be, then who are you?
As you peel back the layers of appearances, you will find the answer not in external validations but in your consciousness’s stillness and quiet depths.
In this exploration, you may discover the profound truth of your existence—an awareness that is both the observer and the observee, forever intertwined with the dance of life.
Embrace this journey, for it leads to the ultimate awakening, where you are both the seeker and the sought, the question and the answer, the transient and the eternal.
Visit nycfitliving.com to begin your journey toward a deeper understanding and cultivate a life of genuine happiness and well-being through fitness, mindfulness, and stress management.