Gather closely and listen well, dear friends, for the path I am about to share is not a road that winds through the familiar confines of this world but one that leads you beyond its veils, beyond the endless cycles of duality that entangle you in suffering and struggle. You have been taught to chase after fleeting desires—wealth, success, power—believing them to be the key to your happiness. But know this: they are but shadows, ephemeral ripples on the surface of a vast, endless ocean that is your true consciousness.
Now, I invite you to shift your perception, to unlearn the patterns that have held you captive in the prison of the mind. It is time to awaken to the truth beyond the illusions you’ve been taught to believe.
First, you must liberate yourself from the thoughts of defeat—the persistent whispers of scarcity and limitation. These are not your true thoughts but the echoes of voices planted in you over time. The ego, molded and shaped to help you navigate this world, often projects a reality that keeps you anchored in the material realm. These limiting thoughts are like clouds floating above your consciousness, obscuring the clarity that is your birthright. But remember, clouds are not permanent; they drift away, and so too can these illusions once you recognize them for what they are.
You may wonder where to begin on this journey of transformation. The answer is simple yet profound: begin by inquiring and observing. Become a silent witness to the flow of your thoughts. Step back from the mind’s constant chatter and immerse yourself in the stillness beneath it. As thoughts arise, pause and ask: To whom do these thoughts appear? Who am I? Am I the one thinking these thoughts, or the one observing them?
Rather than immediately identifying with or reacting to the thoughts, give yourself the space to simply observe. Shift your attention away from the “ego”—the “me” wrapped up in these thoughts—and toward the deeper presence that silently watches. In this subtle shift, you move from being the object of disturbance to the subject, the witness. As you sink into this space of awareness, the grip of your thoughts begins to loosen, and the true nature of the observer begins to emerge.
Remember: when you identify with a thought—saying, “I am this body, I am this job, I am this desire, I am this anger”—you fall into the “small ego.” In that moment, you forget your true nature, descending from the vast, unchanging state of pure consciousness into the transient world of thoughts. The ego is nothing more than a thought—a temporary illusion of who you think you are. It can dominate your life if you let it, but it holds no real power over you. You are not its servant.

Awaken from this hypnotic dream, dear friends; you are the creator of your reality. The weeds of confusion and limitation planted in your unconscious’s fertile soil can be uprooted. These seeds—planted by others, by society—can be replaced. As you clear away these weeds, you can plant new seeds—seeds of abundance, peace, health, and well-being.
But planting seeds is not enough. You must nourish them. Tend to them with tender, loving care and attention. Water them daily with affirmations of truth. See them grow, glowing with the energy of your deepest intentions. In time, the fruits of your labor will appear in your life, but do not stop there.
As you cultivate these new patterns, beliefs, and thoughts, remember that you must also learn to transcend them. Even once transcended, the ego remains just a thought, an idea, a temporary form. True peace and contentment exist beyond the mind itself.
The final step, my dear friends, is to return to your essence—your pure, untarnished self. You must transcend the world of opposites, the world of duality, and return to the one truth that has always been: that you are not your thoughts, desires, or ego. You are pure consciousness—eternal, unchanging, and beyond all forms.
In this state, you will find a peace that no external force can take from you—a joy that is not dependent on the fleeting nature of the material world. The world may come and go, and possessions may be gained and lost, but your true nature remains untouched.
When you entered this world, you arrived as a pure being—innocent, whole, and untouched by society’s conditioning. But as you grew, you were shaped by the expectations and judgments of others. In that process, you lose touch with your inherent purity and innocence to survive and conform.
Now, the work begins: to reclaim that innocence, to uncover the treasure buried beneath the layers of conditioning. Everything you strive for with true intention is yours to keep. It is the return to the Garden of Eden, the return to your true self. And when you awaken to this truth, you will not find your innocence lost but rather rediscovered—a treasure that has always been within you, eternal and unchanging.
So, let go of the mind’s grip on duality. Let go of the struggle. Return home—to the purity, the oneness, the eternal peace that is your birthright.
As the mystic’s words hung in the air, they carried a fragrance of something profound and distant, inviting the listeners to step beyond the veil into the boundless light of truth.
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